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REGEN Co., Ltd. is at the center of future changes and dreams


Request for QuoteBulletin

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REGEN Co., Ltd. is rapidly changing our lives in all aspects, including artificial intelligence, big data, and autonomous driving.

Request for QuoteBulletin

Information on collection and use of personal information

REGEN Co., Ltd. notifies the following matters in accordance with relevant laws and regulations regarding the collection and use of information of companies/organizations and individuals.

1. Purpose of Information Collection: Consultation and Progression
2. Items Collected/Used: Name, Contact Information, Email, Content, etc.
3. Retention and Usage Period: 6 months after the consultation ends; immediately upon the information provider's deletion request.
4. Personal Information Processing Manager: Phone +82-31-651-0940 / Email: sltechson@naver.com
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